This information is not applicable to new, incoming students to the University who have to meet separate admissions criteria.
Note: This information is subject to change. Consult the department of the major you’re interested in to confirm that the requirements are current. Visit the department website for additional detailed program information.
Please note: University College students must meet with their Academic Advisor in order to declare any of the following majors to ensure admission requirements are met. Schedule an Appointment on Navigate.
Department of Art and Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Illustration
- 3.00 cumulative GPA (recommended)
- Prospective Illustration students must undergo a Portfolio Review (see requirements)
- To begin the process, please contact Christina Rodriguez-Unalt,
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Visual Communication Design
- 3.00 GPA (strongly recommended)
- Portfolio and interview (See requirements)
- Contact: Jun Hierholzer, 973-655-4447,
Bachelor of Arts – Visual Arts
- 2.75 GPA required
- Contact: Sandra Lee, 973-655-7971,
Bachelor of Arts – Visual Arts (Concentration in Art Education with Teacher Certification [P-12])
- 2.75 Major GPA required
- Please review additional admission requirements for the Teacher Education Program below.
- Contact: Dr. Dorothy Heard, 973-655-4210,
Bachelor of Arts – Fashion Design and Merchandising
- 2.75 GPA required
- Prospective students cannot declare the major using the Change of Major form process on NEST. Students should instead contact Dr. May Chae via email at to request a major change into Fashion Design and Merchandising.
- For more information, please contact Dr. May Chae,
Minor in Fashion Design or Fashion Merchandising
- 3.00 overall GPA required
- Suggested sequence of completion requires at least four (4) semesters. Students are encouraged to apply for the minor no later than the fall semester of their junior year.
- For Fashion Design:
- Please note: Certain courses in the minor must be taken sequentially, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. The following courses require successful completion of the following pre-requisite courses:
- ARTX 355 requires successful completion of MKTG 240 and ARTX 201
- ARTX 426 requires successful completion of ARTX 120, ARTX 226 (offered only in the spring), ARTX 201, ARTX 298, and ARTX 321
- ARTX 422 requires successful completion of ARTX 426
- Please note: Certain courses in the minor must be taken sequentially, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. The following courses require successful completion of the following pre-requisite courses:
- For Fashion Merchandising:
- Please note: Certain courses in the minor must be taken sequentially, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. The following courses require successful completion of the following pre-requisite courses:
- ARTX 355 requires successful completion of MKTG 240 and ARTX 201
- ARTX 398 requires successful completion of ARTX 298 and ARTX 321
- ARTX 410 requires successful completion of ARTX 360
- Please note: Certain courses in the minor must be taken sequentially, as they are pre-requisites for the later courses. The following courses require successful completion of the following pre-requisite courses:
- For more information, as well as suggested course sequence, please contact: Dr. May Chae,
School of Communication and Media
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Animation/VFX
- 3.00 cumulative GPA (recommended)
- Prospective Animation/VFX students must undergo a Portfolio Review (see requirements)
- In addition to the above, prospective students must also submit a statement of interest (cover letter) and 2 letters of recommendation
- To begin the process, contact Lauren Carr, 973-655-7281,
John J. Cali School of Music
Students looking to schedule an audition for the listed programs should follow the directions outlined on the Cali School – Apply Page. Further questions regarding the audition process can be directed to the Audition Coordinator – Linsay Setzer – at
Bachelor of Music – School and Community Settings with Voice, Guitar, Instrumental or Keyboard Primary
- Audition on primary instrument (or voice), and interview with music education faculty
- Please note: Students whose ultimate degree goal is Music Education or Music Education/Special Education will be accepted in this program before final acceptance into the Teacher Education Program in their sophomore or junior year.
Bachelor of Music – Jazz Studies
- Audition on primary instrument (or voice) via video submission only.
- Please note: A live audition may be requested after the video review.
Bachelor of Music – Performance (Voice, Instrumental, or Keyboard)
- Audition on primary instrument (or voice)
Bachelor of Music – Theory/Composition
- Audition on primary instrument (or voice), interview, and portfolio review
Bachelor of Arts – Music Therapy with Voice, Guitar, Keyboard, or Strings, Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion Primary
- Audition on primary instrument (or voice), and interview
- As part of the interview, candidates are required to sing a song from any genre of music (popular, rock, jazz, blues, show, etc.) while self-accompanying on piano or guitar. Use of basic chords to support the harmonies of the song — versus precise, written accompaniment — is fully acceptable.
- Restricted to students previously or currently declared into one of the John J. Cali School of Music’s programs.
Bachelor of Arts – Recording Arts and Production
- 2.50 cumulative GPA required, 3.00 preferred
- Music portfolio and interview
To begin the process of applying and to learn more about the requirements for the Music Portfolio, please contact the Program Coordinator – Dr. Bryan Powell – at
Department of Theatre and Dance
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Musical Theatre
- Audition (See requirements)
- Essay, letter of recommendation (2), resume, recent headshot or school photo, copy of transcripts, application, audition fee ($50)
- Contact: Kim Whittam, Life Hall, Room 005A, 973-655-7201,
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Theatre (Concentration in Acting)
- Audition and interview (See requirements)
- Essay, letter of recommendation (2), resume, recent headshot or school photo, copy of transcripts, application, audition fee ($50)
- Contact: Heather Benton, 973-655-3085,
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Theatre (Concentration in Design, Technology and Management)
- Portfolio review and interview (See requirements)
- Resume and completed application
- Contact: Mysti Stay, 973-655-7680,
Bachelor of Arts – Theatre Studies
- No audition or interview required, however a meeting to learn more about the program and its curriculum is recommended
- Contact: Jessica Brater, Life Hall, Room 440, 973-655-3259,
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Dance
- Audition and interview (See requirements)
- Dance photo showing form and line, wallet-size headshot, and application
- Contact: Lynne Grossman, Life Hall 224, 973-655-4011,
Bachelor of Arts – Dance (Concentration in Dance Education)
- Audition and interview (See requirements)
- Dance photo showing form and line, wallet-size headshot, and application
- Contact: Elizabeth McPherson, 973-655-7831,
Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Bachelor of Science – Nutrition and Food Science (Concentration in Dietetics)
- 3.20 GPA required
- Completed NUFD 150, NUFD 192, MATH 109 and CHEM 113
- Earned a C or higher in dietetic (DPD) coursework
- Contact: Maddalena Antosiewicz, University Hall, Room 2154, 973-655-6681,
Department of Kinesiology
Bachelor of Science – Exercise Science
- 2.75 GPA required
- Deadlines to apply:
- Spring Semester: October 1st
- Fall Semester: March 1st
- Contact: 973-655-5253,
Department of Family Science and Human Development
Bachelor of Arts – Family Science and Human Development (Concentrations in Family Services or Families, Children, and School Settings)
- 2.50 GPA required
- For FCSS concentration, no more than 60 credits completed
- Visit the CCHL Student Success Center for more information:
- University Hall, Suite 1180, 973-655-7866,
Teacher Education and Certification
Application required. Learn More and Apply Here.
Prospective students are encouraged to request an appointment on Navigate with the Teacher Education Admissions, Recruitment and Diversity team to learn more about the admissions process, attend information sessions (held throughout the academic year) or contact the Center of Pedagogy directly via email at
Annual Application Deadlines:
- September 15 for Spring admission
- February 1 for Fall admission
- Applicants to the Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Program with Dual Certification can only apply in the spring (February 1).
If these dates fall on either a Saturday or Sunday, students have until the following Monday to submit their application.
Requirements for All Certifications
- Completion and submission of Teacher Education Admissions Application by the designated deadline (see above).
- Passing standardized test score(s) (Praxis Core, SAT, or ACT (PDF)).
- 3.00 cumulative GPA required for applicants to a single certification program; 3.25 cumulative GPA required for applicants to the Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Program with Dual Certification.
- An applicant with an overall major GPA of 2.75 or higher may apply for admission but must complete the Supplemental Essay as part of the application process.
- Meeting the minimum required GPA for respective major.
- Demonstrating evidence of satisfactory written (essay) and oral skills (interview).
- Submission of a professional resume and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
Pre-K through Grade 3 or Elementary Education K-6 Certification
- 3.00 cumulative GPA required
- Prerequisites for application:
- Completion of the following courses with a C or higher: PSYC 101, CMST 101, ECEL 200, FCST 214, and EDFD 221
- Completion of 9 – 11 credits in respective major coursework
- Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- One (1) additional course that requires Calculus II as a prerequisite (i.e., MTHM 201)
- Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
- Continue with “Requirements for All Certifications” (see above)
P-12 Subject Area Certifications (e.g. Math, English, etc.)
- Prerequisites for application:
- Completion of the following courses with a C or higher: SASE 210, EDFD 200 (or one of the equivalent courses, PSYC 200 or FSHD 216)
- Completion of 9 – 11 credits in respective major coursework
- Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- One (1) additional course that requires Calculus II as a prerequisite (i.e., MTHM 201)
- Math majors must complete 11 credits, including:
- Continue with “Requirements for All Certifications” (see above)
Combined Dual Degree/Certification Program
- Complete the course requirements for your certification area (see above)
- 3.25 cumulative and major GPA required
- Additional essay and interview required
Bachelor of Arts – Language, Business and Culture (All Concentrations)
- 2.70 GPA required
- Concentrations: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
- Contact: Enza Antenos, Schmitt Hall, Room 241B, 973-655-7943,
Department of Political Science and Law
Bachelor of Arts – Jurisprudence, Law and Society
- Students must meet one of the following criteria:
- Top twenty percent of high school graduating class OR
- An overall minimum 3.00 GPA at the completion of a minimum of 24 credits completed at Montclair or prior institution (for transfers) OR
- An overall minimum 3.00 GPA in the student’s first three courses in the Jurisprudence major
- Contact: Ian Drake, Dickson Hall, Room 208, 973-655-7223,
Department of Justice Studies
Bachelor of Arts – Justice Studies
- 2.75 GPA required for International Justice concentration
- Complete an application
- With your application, submit a copy of your most current Degree Works audit and a statement of interest to the department at
- Contact: 973-655-4152,
Department of Biology
Bachelor of Science – Biology, Molecular Biology, Marine Biology and Coastal Science
Contact: Dr. Dirk Vanderklein, Science Hall, Room 116, 973-655-5265,
- 2.50 overall GPA required
- Please note: The Biology, Molecular Biology, and Marine Biology and Coastal Science majors have retention policies. By the end of their second semester in the major (i.e. spring), students must:
- Maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA
- Have completed the following courses: BIOL 112 or BIOL 113, CHEM 106 or CHEM 120, and MATH 111 or AMAT120 with a C- or better on the first attempt.
- Please note: The Biology, Molecular Biology, and Marine Biology and Coastal Science majors have retention policies. By the end of their second semester in the major (i.e. spring), students must:
- CSAM Student Success Center advising meeting required
- Including the above, final approval by a Biology Academic Advisor is required for admission.
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Bachelor of Science – Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Chemistry (Concentration in Business)
- Completion of CHEM 120, CHEM 121 and Pre-Calculus (or placement into Calculus I) with grades of C+ or higher.
- Students who complete CHEM 106 and CHEM 120 with grades of B or higher can also declare into the above majors. For questions about your specific situation, please email and the department will advise and guide you.
- Please note: CHEM 120 requires prior testing and placement. View the requirements to learn more.
- Chemistry and Biochemistry majors are required to complete all remaining CHEM course requirements at Montclair State University.
- University policies limiting the number of course repeats of required CHEM coursework will be enforced.
There is no GPA requirement for the above programs.
- Contact:
School of Computing
- Contact: Dr. Md Liaquat Hossain, Center for Computing and Information Sciences, Room 327, 973-655-4166,
Bachelor of Science – Computer Science, Information Technology
- 3.00 overall GPA required and an average grade of a B in the courses listed below
- Please note: The above majors have a retention policy. Students must earn passing grades during their first two semesters with a C- or higher in the following courses while maintaining a minimum 2.65 cumulative GPA: CSIT 104, CSIT 111, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)
- Failure to meet the above requirements will lead to removal from the major, unless the Department of Computer Science determines that the student can satisfy the above requirements if given one more semester to do so.
- The above courses require the following pre-requisite courses or placement(s):
- CSIT 104 requires successful completion of MATH 100 with a C- or higher, or placement into MATH 111
- CSIT 111 requires MATH 111 as a co-requisite, if not already completed, or placement directly to Calculus I
- The above courses require the following pre-requisite courses or placement(s):
Bachelor of Science – Data Science
- 3.00 overall GPA required or an average grade of a B in the courses listed below
- Please note: Data Science has a retention policy. Students must earn passing grades during their first two semesters with a C- or higher in the following courses while maintaining a minimum 2.65 cumulative GPA: CSIT 104, CSIT 114, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)
- Failure to meet the above requirements will lead to removal from the major, unless the Department of Computer Science determines that the student can satisfy the above requirements if given one more semester to do so.
- 3.00 overall GPA required or an average grade of a B in the courses listed below
- Successful completion of the following courses with a C- or higher: CSIT 104, CSIT 111, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)
- Please note: The above courses require the following pre-requisite courses or placement(s):
- CSIT 104 requires successful completion of MATH 100 with a C- or higher, or placement into MATH 111
- CSIT 111 requires MATH 111 as a co-requisite, if not already completed, or placement directly to Calculus I
- Please note: The above courses require the following pre-requisite courses or placement(s):
- 3.00 overall GPA or an average grade of a B in the courses listed below
- Successful completion of the following courses with a C- or higher: CSIT 104, CSIT 114, CSIT 170 and MATH 111 (or MATH 122 or AMAT 120)
Prospective Feliciano School of Business students must have a minimum of 12 college credits completed for admission into any of the following degree programs.
Bachelor of Arts – Economics
- 2.25 overall GPA required
- 2.50 overall GPA required for Asset Management concentration
- Contact: Zaman Zamanian, 973-655-7399,
Bachelor of Arts – Hospitality, Sports, Events and Tourism
- 2.50 overall GPA required
- Please note: Hospitality, Sports, Events and Tourism has a retention policy. Students must maintain a minimum 2.30 major GPA.
- Contact: Yawei Wang, 973-655-4099,
Bachelor of Science – Accounting
- 3.00 overall GPA required; 2.70 Business Major GPA required
- Please note: The Accounting major has a retention policy. Students must maintain a minimum 2.70 major GPA.
- Contact: Eric Moskovitz, Feliciano School of Business, Room 170, 973-655-6815,
Bachelor of Science – Business Administration (All Concentrations)
- 3.00 overall GPA required
- Concentrations: Entrepreneurship, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Real Estate, Strategic Human Capital Management
- Contact: Eric Moskovitz, Feliciano School of Business, Room 170, 973-655-6815,
Bachelor of Science – Business Administration (Concentration in Finance)
- 3.00 overall GPA required; 2.50 Business Major GPA required
- Please note: The Finance concentration has a retention policy. Students must maintain a minimum 2.50 major GPA.
- Contact: Eric Moskovitz, Feliciano School of Business, Room 170, 973-655-6815,
Bachelor of Science – Business Analytics
- 3.00 overall GPA required
- Contact: Dr. Ross Malaga, 973-655-7805,
- 2.75 GPA required
- Please note: All majors are allowed to declare a Minor in Business except for current Business Administration (any concentration) students.
Minor in Business Relationships and Professional Selling
- 2.50 GPA required
- 2.50 GPA required
- Please note: Only current Feliciano School of Business students are eligible to declare a Minor in Finance, with the exception of students majoring in Economics (Concentration in Asset Management) and Business Administration (Concentration in Finance).
Minor in International Business
- 2.25 GPA required
- Please note: All majors are allowed to declare a Minor in International Business except for current Business Administration (Concentration in International Business) students.
The School of Nursing only accepts eligible, incoming first-time freshmen directly into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
Internal transfers into the School of Nursing are not permitted through change of major requests.
All current undergraduate students should schedule an appointment with their academic advisor on Navigate to discuss parallel academic pathways to healthcare-related fields.
University College only accepts eligible adult students (25 years or older) who are returning to college to complete their unfinished studies in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies online degree completion program.
All current undergraduate students who do not meet the minimum criteria for admission should schedule an appointment with their academic advisor on Navigate to discuss their academic options at the university.
Last Modified: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 10:12 am